""Those who tell the stories rule society"

Who We Are
Her Grace Reads Studios is a boutique audiobook production house. We work with Authors and Rights Holders to bring their manuscripts to life. HGR is Audiobook production made easy! Our PFH rates always include Full Narration, Editing, and Industry Standard Mastering. HGR specializes in fully integrated dual and multi performer narration.
At HGR we understand that finding the right Narrator is quintessential to a successful production. We believe that our unique combination of style and talent is what makes us the ideal production house for authors and publishers looking for the extraordinary.
HGR is a co-op studio that was created for artists by artists. Although we work under pseudonyms, chances are, you've probably seen us on your favourite TV show or heard us voicing beloved animated characters. This is a great opportunity for professional working performers to have flexible acting work between and during other contracts.
It's a win/win
Our Narrators get the freedom and flexibility they need and Rights Holders get the kind of talent that they deserve.